Schedule Full Papers


Session MMV-1             Chair: Dr.  Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa


Incremental Board: A Grid-based Space for Visualizing Dynamic Data Sets



Roberto Pinho is a PhD student at the University of São Paulo and holds a MSc. in Energy Industry Regulation (2002) and BSc. in Computer Science (1996). He was visiting research scholar at iSchool at Drexel University (2007-2008). His research interests include, among others, Information Visualization and Visual Text Mining. He has experience in developing and coordinating applied research projects.


Visualization of Clustered Directed Acyclic Graphs with Node Interleaving



Pushpa Kumar is currently a PhD student at the Department of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas. She holds a B.S in Electronics Communication Engineering from Delhi College of Engineering, India, and a M.S in Electrical Engineering from University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana. Her research interests include information visualization, web services, graph drawing and software engineering. She has more than ten years of industry experience, and is a member of the IEEE computer society.


Term Distribution Visualizations with Focus+Context



Moses Schwartz completed his Master of Science degree in Computer Science at New Mexico Tech in August of last year. He is currently employed at Sandia National Laboratories as a member of the technical staff. His primary research interests are in the fields of information assurance and computer security, and the intersection of those fields with human factors and usability.


A Recommendation System for Browsing Digital Libraries



Dr Vincenzo Moscato received the Laurea degree (cum laude) in computer science and engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy, in 2002. In 2005, he received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering at the same University. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Database and Computer Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II. He has been active in the field of computer vision, video and image indexing and multimedia data sources integration. His current research interests lie in the area of multimedia databases, transaction management, video-surveillance applications, sensor networks integration and information retrieval in e-learning environments.


Information-Theoretic Identification of Content Pages for Analyzing User Information Needs and Actions on the Multimedia Web



Dr Rahul Singh is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at San Francisco State University. His current research interests lie broadly in computational drug discovery and biology as well as in multimedia information storage, querying, retrieval, and analysis.



Session MMV-2             Chair: Dr Rahul Singh


A New Inter-Layer Prediction Scheme for Spatial Scalability with Different Frame Rates



Jinmi Kang is a Ph. D. student at Pusan National University, South Korea.


A Smart Clustering Algorithm for Photo Set Obtained from Multiple Digital Cameras



Chuljin Jang holds B.D and M.D degrees from Pusan National University, Republic of Korea. He is a Ph.D student at graphics application lab in Pusan National University. His research interest is computational photography and multimedia computing


An Enhanced Multi-view Video Compression Using the Constrained Inter-view Prediction



Sunghwan Chun is currently a M.Sc. student in Computer Science from Pusan National University, with research interests in multi-view video coding.


Discovery of Time Series in Video Data Through Distribution of Spatiotemporal Gradients



Dr. SeungJin Lim is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Utah State University. His research interests include multimedia data mining and visualization.



Session MMV-3             Chair: Dr Dr. SeungJin Lim & Dr. Vincenzo Moscato

A new multimedia synchronous distance learning system: The IVA study case
